ZENii offers cutting edge skincare and supplements that has been meticulously formulated to deliver the very best in clinically proven results.
ZENii offers cutting edge skincare and supplements that has been meticulously formulated to deliver the very best in clinically proven results.
ZENii 由屢獲殊榮的英國頂尖皮膚科醫生之一 Johanna Ward 博士創建和配製。
Johanna Ward 博士將她的知識與醫生、美容科學家和營養師團隊相結合,創造了尖端的護膚品和補充劑系列,該系列經過精心配製,使用優化皮膚的成分和微量營養素,提供經過臨床證明的最佳效果。