Sugar Free Formula
Doctor Formulated and Doctor Recommended
The most intelligent collagen on the market with high performance co-ingredients such as Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid.
High dose 10,000mg hydrolyzes marine collagen
Daily multi-vitamins and co-ingredients essential for boosting collagen function
All round health drink that supports hair, skin, nails, joints, muscles and bone health and key ingredients to improve male vitality.
ProCollagen Max 被設計為男性健康的終極日常支持。這是一種經科學證實的每日補充劑,由英國領先的護膚醫生專門為男性創造和配製。它含有比市場上任何膠囊或片劑多20倍的膠原蛋白,每份含有10,000毫克的1型和3型水解海洋膠原蛋白。添加維生素C以達到最大吸收率和功效,這款美味無糖液體補充劑的吸收率高於膠原蛋白藥丸或軟糖,並與強效臨床級別的輔助成分混合,以提供驚人的效果。
Take one 25ml per day for 5 out of 7 days a week.
Can be taken as a straight shot or mix with sparkling water, juice or into smoothies.
Keep in the fridge once opened. Discard after 60 days of opening.