Sweet Jelly C 蒟蒻果凍含維生素 C

HK$185.00 HK$152.00
150 ml (HK$101.00 / 100ml)

Sweet Jelly C is a functional jelly drink with just 5 calories in travel-friendly pouches. A refreshing, fruity, and delicious zero-sugar snack option to swap out sugary cravings.

  • Vitamin C
  • Simply enjoy a pouch of Sweet Jelly C as a snack for your daily intake
  • Helps the body to optimize the immune system

Size: 10 Packs

10 Packs

味道: 草莓

小販: Everydaze
類型: 補充品
貨號: 8809432533931

增加維生素 C 的智慧零食替代品。每日服用維生素 C 後,您只需 5 卡路里即可享受清爽的果味和耐嚼、飽腹的口感。維生素 C 是一種強大的抗氧化劑,在國際上廣為人知,有助於維持身體健康,尤其是在免疫力和身體組織修復方面。



Purified Water, Erythritol, Strawberry Flavor, Vitamin C, Xanthan Gum, Citric Acid Monohydrate, Trisodium Citrate, Konjac Powder, Carrageenan, Strawberry Extract, Maltodextrin, Gellan Gum, Calcium Lactate, Sucralose

How to use

Before opening, break down the jelly by squeezing the package with your hands. Squeeze up the jelly to the top and enjoy! Best served cold, but equally enjoyable at room temperature.