花草茶精華 - 煥彩

HK$340.00 HK$289.00
65 ml (HK$444.00 / 100ml)

Take a moment to enjoy Glow – a traditional blend of rosebuds, goji berries, red jujube dates, and longan fruit, carefully crafted to support radiant, healthy skin

  • No added sugar, sweeteners, or preservatives.
  • Dissolvable and versatile – enjoy it hot or cold
  • Wild-harvested herbs, quality-tested for purity and potency.
小販: Parch
類型: 茶靈藥
貨號: GLW-H-S

花點時間享受 Glow——玫瑰花蕾、枸杞、紅棗和龍眼果的傳統混合物,精心製作,以支持容光煥發的健康肌膚。每喝一口,就能提升您的自我保養習慣,讓您的肌膚煥發來自真正滋養的內在光澤。

品酒筆記:麥芽味 | 花的

Glow 採用純淨、天然成分製成,不含添加糖、甜味劑或防腐劑。它不含麩質且純素食。



Natural extract powder (rose bud, red jujube, goji berry, longan fruit)


Classic Hot Tea Elixir (1 cup, 250ml)

Scoop 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite tea elixir into a cup. Adjust for stronger flavor.
Pour in hot water, stir to dissolve, and enjoy!
Enhance Your Water

Add 1/2 teaspoon of your chosen tea elixir into your water bottle (250ml). Adjust as needed.
Shake thoroughly to dissolve for a quick, refreshing infusion!
Sparkling Tea Elixir (1 cup, 250ml)

Scoop 1/2 teaspoon into a glass.
Add a splash of still water and stir to dissolve.
Pour over sparkling water or club soda, add ice, and enjoy!
Creamy Latte (1 cup, 250ml)

Add 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite tea elixir blend to your cup.
Stir in 1/2 cup of hot water until dissolved, adding sweetener if desired.
Heat 1/2 cup of your favorite milk, pour over the tea, and savor the creamy goodness!