At just 10 calories, Essential C’s Konjac Jelly is the perfect healthy substitute for sugary and high-calorie snacks. Level up your snack game by incorporating daily essential supplements – Collagen and Vitamin C, for an effortless inner beauty boost.
Collagen and Vitamin C
Effectively recharges your skin and health for boost of inner beauty
將您的零食變成呵護肌膚的自我保養。 Essential C 的蒟蒻果凍是一種令人驚艷且清爽的日常零食選擇,有助於管理健康和飲食。一整袋 Essential C 的蒟蒻果凍僅含 10 卡路里,並提供每日所需的膠原蛋白和維生素 C。膠原蛋白的增強有助於改善皮膚彈性,並提供關節和肌肉支持。維生素 C 有助於優化免疫系統,促進明亮健康的肌膚。其清新的水果味和耐嚼、滿足的口感使其對成人和兒童來說都既滿意又有趣。
Before opening, break down the jelly by squeezing the package with your hands. Squeeze up the jelly to the top and enjoy! Best served cold, but equally enjoyable at room temperature.