Built upon the values of health, purity, and premium quality. Inspired by the timeless beauty and deep cultural heritage of Ţara Beiușului, nestled within the majestic Apuseni Mountains.
Built upon the values of health, purity, and premium quality. Inspired by the timeless beauty and deep cultural heritage of Ţara Beiușului, nestled within the majestic Apuseni Mountains.
Beyus Cosmetics 的靈感源自於位於 Apuseni 山脈中心的 Ţara Beiuşului 的永恆美景和文化遺產。 Beyus 將傳統與現代科學進步融為一體,利用其著名溫泉水的治療功效。 Beyus 溫泉水經過 Eurofins Scientific 的臨床測試並經過認證,符合歐洲安全標準,可為敏感和特應性皮膚提供強大的緩解作用,減少刺激和發炎。它能淨化、深層保濕、恢復活力,加速肌膚的自然癒合過程。 Beyus 低過敏性,適合所有皮膚類型,是基於自然的有效護膚品的終極選擇。