Teh Herba Elixir - Meningkatkan

HK$340.00 HK$289.00
65 ml (HK$444.00 / 100ml)

Relax and sip on this smooth black tea, with naturally sweet notes of real mango and lychee

  • No added sugar, sweeteners, or preservatives.
  • Dissolvable and versatile – enjoy it hot or cold
  • Wild-harvested herbs, quality-tested for purity and potency.
Penjual: Parch
Jenis: Teh Elixir

Bersantai dan teguk teh hitam licin ini, dengan nota manis semulajadi mangga dan laici asli. Dikemas dengan manfaat pemakanan beri goji, jujube merah dan akar astragalus, elixir teh yang dibuat dengan teliti ini menyuburkan badan anda dan menggalakkan kesejahteraan yang tenang dan seimbang. Sama ada pagi atau petang, anda boleh berehat serta-merta dengan adunan tanpa kafein yang menenangkan ini.

Produk ini dibuat tanpa gula tambahan, pemanis atau pengawet. Ia bebas gluten dan vegan.


Natural extract powder (mango, astragalus, lychee, decaffeinated black tea, goji berry, red jujube)

Bagaimana nak guna

Classic Hot Tea Elixir (1 cup, 250ml)

Scoop 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite tea elixir into a cup. Adjust for stronger flavor.
Pour in hot water, stir to dissolve, and enjoy!
Enhance Your Water

Add 1/2 teaspoon of your chosen tea elixir into your water bottle (250ml). Adjust as needed.
Shake thoroughly to dissolve for a quick, refreshing infusion!
Sparkling Tea Elixir (1 cup, 250ml)

Scoop 1/2 teaspoon into a glass.
Add a splash of still water and stir to dissolve.
Pour over sparkling water or club soda, add ice, and enjoy!
Creamy Latte (1 cup, 250ml)

Add 1/2 teaspoon of your favorite tea elixir blend to your cup.
Stir in 1/2 cup of hot water until dissolved, adding sweetener if desired.
Heat 1/2 cup of your favorite milk, pour over the tea, and savor the creamy goodness!